Trauma Times January-March 2024
March 08, 2024
Symposium is upcoming!
Home » 2024 Trauma Service Awards
Now Accepting Nominations
Mississippi Trauma Care System Foundation is now accepting nominations highlighting individuals and teams demonstrating excellence in the following categories. You have four nomination opportunities.
Mississippi is full of incredibly dedicated and compassionate trauma professionals. Please complete the survey and provide nominations for the 2024 MTCSF Statewide Trauma Symposium Awards. Taking the time to complete the survey will allow us to highlight the excellent care across Mississippi. Thank you for taking the time to help us recognize individuals who work hard, provide exceptional care, and advocate for trauma patients. To encourage you to complete the nomination form, you will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift card. The gift card winner will be announced at the 2023 MTCSF Trauma Symposium awards banquet.
for Lifetime Achievement in Trauma
Please help us recognize an individual (current or retired) who has proven dedication to the development and ongoing support of the Mississippi Trauma System of Care. The Legacy Award recognizes a distinguished career and visionary leadership dedicated to the prevention of injuries, advancement in trauma care, and lifelong commitment to the care of trauma patients.
Please provide your nomination below with a brief description of why you would like to nominate the individual.
EMT/ AEMT/ Paramedic
Emergency Services Only
The Star of Life signifies six phases when EMS responds to a trauma patient: detection, reporting, response, on-scene care, care in transit, and transfer to definitive care. The Star of Life symbolizes EMS’s commitment to medicine, healing, and renewal. This award recognizes the commitment and dedication it takes to respond to a 911 call, give hope in a seemingly hopeless situation, and advocate for life-saving care. The Star of Life recipient is passionate about delivering coordinated, seamless, and rapid care to the injured patient. They ensure the right patient goes to the right hospital and advocate for the highest standard of care.
Please help us recognize an EMS trauma professional who exhibits the resilience, skill, and passion for the Mississippi trauma program’s future.
Please provide your nomination below with a brief description of why you feel this individual is a rising star.
for Exceptional Trauma Service
Registered Nurse Only
The broken red tulip, adopted by the American Trauma Society (ATS), symbolizes the pain, suffering, and lifestyle change caused by traumatic injury. Please help us nominate a trauma professional in the field of nursing who has made a significant and sustained contribution to the Mississippi Trauma System of Care on a local, district, and State level. This award recognizes a nursing professional who demonstrates the goal of keeping the tulip strong, straight, and unaffected by trauma.
Please provide your nomination below with a brief explanation of why the individual you are nominating should receive the Red Tulip.
Trauma Team Award
The Circle of Excellence award aligns with the mission of the Mississippi Trauma Care System to build and support a statewide system that provides superior care starting when the injury is detected and continuing through definitive treatment while striving to decrease injury and death from trauma. Mississippi continues to have exceptional outcomes because trauma teams coordinate, advocate, and ensure the highest standard of care is delivered to every patient.
Please help us to recognize a trauma team that promotes excellent patient care through effective communication, true collaboration, decision-making, critical thinking, the ability to address challenges related to patient care, and acting as leaders to advocate for the trauma patient. This team is dedicated to the statewide trauma system model and is passionate about the steps they take to prevent and treat trauma patients. The team is seen as cohesive and serves as a mentor for others. The team may include EMS, nurses, physicians, and other collaborative healthcare members who made a difference in a patient’s life.
Please nominate the team below with a brief explanation of how the team demonstrated the circle of excellence criteria.
Please complete the questionnaire by clicking the link below and submit your nominations:
Deadline: February 17, 2023.
“Supporting the Mississippi Trauma Care System through educational opportunities, trauma center readiness, improving patient outcomes, injury prevention & public awareness.”
Matt Edwards
Director of Trauma Systems
Mississippi Trauma Care System Foundation
January 10, 2024
Now Accepting Nominations Mississippi Trauma Care System Foundation is now accepting nominations highlighting individuals and teams demonstrating excellence in the following categories. You have four nomination opportunities. Mississippi is full of incredibly dedicated and compassionate trauma professionals. Please complete the survey and provide nominations for the 2024 MTCSF Statewide Trauma Symposium Awards. Taking the time […]
October 31, 2023
MTCSF recently provided this group with tourniquet kits after completing their training on Sept. 25, 2023, led by Charles Weathersby, Mississippi State Fire Academy Instructor.